Monday, August 3, 2009

Wow its been a year.

It's been a year since i wrote, a lot has happened. haha, i was reading my old blogs and i am really deppressing.

Where do i start?
1. i moved to Wisconsin.
2. Haleigh and i are still together :)
3. My mom tried to kill herself last year (idk if i mentioned that)
4. My dad talks to me again
5. My whole family knows im gay
6. I'm a lot happier than before.

Everything is going fine for me. The only problem that i have is that i still cant see Haleigh, and now that i live 2000 miles away from her it only gets harder. I'm here in Florida for the summer to see her. Im so glad. This summer with her has been great. I've dedicated every single minute to her. Well, i guess that's all for now. I'm just tired. I'll write more later.